
Daniel Pardo is who I have to thank for getting me many steps closer to reaching my weight loss goals.


Training with Daniel has been amazing. I felt like he has cared about what I’m after and has taken just as much interest in what I want to achieve,


I’ve had an amazing time training with Daniel, he has not only helped me dramatically change my physical apperance.


I started training with Daniel to improve my body composition and increase confidence. In the past I have had a bad experience with P.T’s.


I honestly don’t know where to start, training with Dan has been so inspiring and motivating!


I started going to the gym early January 2017 having no idea what I was doing there to be honest.


Daniel has helped me so much as a trainer, that I have more drive than ever before. Not just in the gym but in life.


Working with Daniel has changed my life for good. The experience has been great I didn’t know much about gym before starting.


Before starting personal training with Daniel I really struggled to find motivation for any exercise. I would always make excuses for myself


It’s been 4 years since I started my weight loss journey I was super overweight sitting close to 150kgs was my last promise to my pop on his death bed


After having both shoulder’s left with permanent damage , one needing a reco , Daniel has helped me push far beyond what I thought was possible


When I started training on my own, In that time I did see some slight improvement but due to my limited knowledge


I’ve grown a lot as a person and as a man; things that used to really get under my skin just annoy me now. I don’t crumble under pressure;


What can someone do in 2 years? The image above is a pretty good example, but it’s only part of the many changes


Daniel catered the meal plan and training routine around my schedule and made it very easy to follow. Whenever I had any questions


So how did I meet Daniel ?? I have long time suffered with depression/anxiety and by end of 2014 I was heavier than ever


When I first joined the gym I wasn’t sure what to expect, I was very shy and found it hard to find confidence in myself,


Just over 12 months ago I was 69kgs. This morning I weighed in at 85.1kgs, I used to be the runt of the litter, but have moved to the top


When I first met Daniel I had zero confidence. I didn’t go to the gym and I just didn’t like the way I looked and felt.

Jenny & Ricky

We find Dan to be an “Outstanding master of his craft”; incredibly bright with a treasure trove of health and fitness knowledge;


When I met Daniel at the gym, even though he trained at a high intensity I still found him very approachable. I had a goal to lose


I have had the pleasure of knowing Daniel for 15 months now, and I have never been more happy with my body.


When I first joined up with DPPT in May I was definitely out of shape and not real committed to doing much about it.


I first started weight training to lose body fat and build muscle for the biggest day of my life (My wedding.) As I was new to the gym scene,


Daniel made me a very easy to follow meal plan and program to get me started.


I once weighed 113kg. I cannot be more thankful to Daniel Pardo who helped me to finally be able to do workouts and helping me get fitter.


When I first started thinking about getting a personal trainer I was a bit nervous of what I was getting myself into.


I have been training with DPPT for a couple of months now and feel amazing! I am stronger and healthier than I have ever been.


I started training three years ago. When I started my cousin (Daniel Pardo) was already an established trainer.


I have been training with DPPT for approximately 3months now. When I first contacted Daniel and asked for his HELP!