In My Opinion

Mental Conditioning Is The Most Neglected Component In The Diamond Of The Fitness Industry

It’s the mind that controls your body, it is the mind that controls your outlook on life. All successful people in life work on their mind. Two people in the exact same circumstance could have two totally different lives just based on their mental conditioning. At the end of the day what is the meaning of life? No one knows, it can be argued that it is the pursuit of happiness and leaving your mark, your legacy and creating outstanding goals that will motivate others and outlast your existence in this world. These things do not just fall into your lap. It takes a lot of self discovery. My philosophy is unless you have inner peace, unless you control your mind nothing else will fall into place and you will always feel flustered. Training and being in control over your own mind is the most important thing in relation to both happiness and success.

Here are some mental conditioning drills that I have used and the people I look up to use to become successful.

Past present and future board
