Everybody knows that the recommended sleep should be 8 hours but have you ever wondered why?

8 hours is recommended but will vary person to person. Why is it so important? Well I’ll tell you. You need rest. Your body on the whole will function better by:

  • Assisting in repairing of muscle and other tissues and replacing ageing or dead cells
  • Improve cognitive function (Concentration, motivation)
  • Improve memory
  • Live longer
  • Increase mental acuity
  • Maximise energy levels
  • Maximise energy levels
  • Improve mood
  • Optimise testosterone levels
  • Optimise growth hormone
  • Improve insulin sensitivity
  • Increase nutrient intake
  • All these things in turn lead to increase muscle gain and fat burning.

All these things in turn lead to increase muscle gain & fat burning.

Establishing good sleeping patters will be vital to your results and your quality of life. If it isn’t a priority for you then you need to revisit your priorities. Sleep is vital. Have a sleep schedule, develop a night time ritual and work on your body clock. Create a dark and quiet sleeping environment. If you have trouble sleeping try to avoid using your phone, being under bright lights, using your laptop ect. Be in a relaxed environment, have a bath or shower, read but don’t try to force your sleep. Don’t look at the clock, you cannot force sleep. Meditate, read, stretch or just get out of bed and relax.

Stay away from stimulants like caffeine before bed. Supplements such as Magnesium, GABA powder, phenibut and Melatonin can help you have a sound sleep and they are non-sedative.