Objective means: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.
So when you are objective with yourself that means you are looking at yourself through someone else’s eyes. Sometimes our perception is jaded by our own emotions.

Taking emotion out of the equation you can tackle a problem as if you were helping someone else. So often emotion can hinder our decision making and we don’t think about the end result instead just act on impulse. Being objective with myself has been one of the things that has made me who I am. I can easily admit when I am wrong and I am more confident when I am right.

My decisions are made from a clear head, I am more aware of consequence and have a greater sense of self.

Next time you’re in a situation where you need to look at your situation through objective eyes.

This can relate to relationships, careers, finances, goals (whether physical or otherwise) or anything that could spark an impulse reaction like disagreements and arguments. Think as though you are going to give advice to someone else. When you do this you will take the situation for what it is, no sugar-coating anything.

There may be a reason why someone doesn’t like you, why you have no money, why you’re not advancing the way you want but you can’t see it because it’s you. If you dwell in the emotion instead of seeing the facts. (Again be honest) and make sure it is in alignment with your goals.

Remember if it’s not measurable it’s not manageable:
This really means be true to yourself and be brutally honest. When you do this I promise your relationships will get better and you will be able to have what you really want in life. You will be much happier because by being objective with yourself it culls all the negative emotions like self-pity, anger, resentment, toxic emotions that stay with you….you will be free.
